Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Those that live amongst us

Those of you who know me personally will know that I'm quite a serious animal activist (to the point of being one of those apparently 'annoying' vegetarians who don't eat anything with a face). But each to their own. I am fascinated with the little creatures who live amongst us and who every now and then enter our urban environment. Lately I've been having a few interesting animal encounters and I've tried to photograph all of them. Here are the pics and a little description of each.

I caught a glimpse of this little guy hiding out on a rock in the sun while I was out hiking in Arniston. If he hadn't have moved I would never have seen him. Doing his best impression of a rock here, brilliantly camouflaged from sneaky predators. I have no idea what type of lizzard he is but I'd love it if someone could tell me?
Another angle on the lizzard.
A Black Oystercatcher on Noordhoek Beach being absolutely sandblasted by the South Easter.  And yet he still just stood there. I'm amazed at the elements these birds and other animals deal with.
This gorgeous Cape Fur Seal was sun-tanning on the rocks next to Long Beach in Kommetjie a while back. I walked along to sit on the rocks and shoot the surfers when I nearly walked right into him. He didn't seem too phased by my presence and I got some lovely shots of him.
More of the Cape Fur Seal having a nap on the rocks in Kommetjie. 
My boyfriend and I went for lunch at the Old Farmhouse just outside of Scarborough. This very fat and happy little field mouse hides out in the shrubbery and feasts on crumbs dropped from restaurant-goers. 
Another one of the field mouse at the Old Farmhouse near Cape Point Nature Reserve.